Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Wylie is back!

Well it's only been 3 months since I have written anything to you on here. The energy at Refugio is alive and well!   I finally have some pix to share, and was downloading them to my computer, about to say I have only seen Wylie on the road around the corner.  No sooner than I started did I see the tail end of him strolling past the bushes -- he went behind the labyrinth so I didn't see all of him.  He's grown!  I will show you some pix.  One time he walked ahead of me on Silver Cloud (around the corner) and up to our street where he turned and went up to the side of our house, just like he knew he was going to the Overholt's. 
"Turn at Thunderstorm"

On Silver Cloud 3 days ago

And then there is the dove nesting on top of the painter's ladder...
does that tell you how long he's taking to finish painting??

And everyone loves to see the Javelinas -- that is unles they are eating your landscape!
I put out a Quail/dove seed block for the birds, because I love the quail. 
And yep, you guessed it!  a dozen javelinas created their own banquet...much to the excitemenr of Lindsay and Arlene.


We also had a couple of deer visit the labyrinth...yes, they were an "item"! 
While the doe went to take a siesta under the mesquite tree the buck came under my window to dine on our shrubs.  He munched on each of the 4 right in front of the wiondows.  What he didn't know is that the tinting on the windows allowed me to see him but he couldn't see me.  I got these 2 pix from the bathtub (excuse the reflection).

Every now and then he would look up to make sure his sweetie under the tree was ok, then eat some more. 

Until Ron drove up the driveway home from work, then he tore out of there so fast!!

It's so special to glimpse our wildlife up so close. 
I would say thank goodness for the tinting allowing me to view them, but it has it's negative points also.  The doves think they can fly right through the house, seeing the reflection of the sky and trees.  Yesterday 2 slammed into my 2 big windows 1 second apart.  It almost sounded like a gunshot it was so loud. 1 flew off, and the other one.... well, he kamikaze'd himself , leaving a nasty imprint on the window.  I gave him a blessing, and Ron buried him. 

One more picture to show you from last week.

Full Moon Arising... over our Catalina Mountains

So there you have it,
until next time.
Love and Light, Peju of the Desert

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Thunder on Thunderstorm Place

"Write about the Energy of Refugio" Peter (Sahhar, my hair stylist) said. 
There IS a lot of energy around here...exciting energy ---  of the heavens and of the night skies, Healing energy, reproductive energy...birds & bees stuff, Wild Life energy; Life Cycle energy. And you name it!  (of note, as I am writing this a roadrunner beepbeeped across the driveway and under my Window -- trailing a quail.  Fortunately there were no babies around at this time.) 
We had two days and nights of thunderstorms with thunder and lightning and rain back in April.  Yes, it was unusual for this time of year. In my last blog you saw some of the results of the rain -- with the cacti blooming and the green "State Tree", Palo Verde, with its canopy of bright yellow flowers. The whole valley blossomed with these trees opening their umbrellas of flowers the color of maize.  Tucson had a bumper crop, they were everywhere!  Perhaps this is what happened when they named Oro Valley (valley of gold). ??  Of course along with them came the worst allergy symptoms people ever had, but only as long as the golden blossoms were abound. The ground was lightly dusted with the blossoms.  The trees were really spectacular! And outside in the back we could hear the humming of LOTS of bees.  We do live in HoneyBee Canyon, you know!  Now the colorful foliage has calmed down, and the trees have gone back to their green-ness. 
However, now it's the Saguaros' turn to show off, though nothing like last years blooms.  Still in all, they are hoping to propagate their future generations. First with their nest of flowers-to-be, next with their Rastafarian headresses adorning the tall spires after the white flowers bloomed.  These photos were taken in our back yard and outside my window.

Then it's the birds' chance to take part in the seed distribution and promoting of future saguaros, which can only be grown by seed alone. 
 The birds have chosen their partners and started their families.  Each day the mom and dad trot their "quailettes" (yes, I made that word up!) across the driveway to peck beneath the birdfeeder, straight out from my window.  They are only a couple inches high and so cute! 
Refugio at dinnertime!  (They are "early birds!")
I've only seen Wiley once, as he loped across my labyrinth, stopping in front of my bench.  I can only wonder what would happen if I were sitting there when he came through, as he seems to have a sort of mission in mind while traveling, and not really looking to see if I (Peju of the Desert) am anywhere around! 
This is the path he took.  My Window is just across the driveway below the trees and behind my bench. 

On another day while at my computer something caught my eye outside my window ... it was Willie!  He had stopped right directly in front of me.  Of course since our windows are tinted he cannot see me.  I grabbed my camera, but he then continued on down the driveway. I went out back and up to the fence and caught this picture of him as he turned to check me out.
 He's a cute young feller! 
And of course it wouldn't be right not to include my Grandest-daughter since I had just spent a week in Valentinaville with Blaire and  V.

And another pic that demonstrates why my IPad opens up to "ELMO"!!

 and finally this one I love ... "In Mommie's Shoes!"

Well, take care y'all, and come visit our Tucson Wild Life and feel the energy for yourself!  Thanks, Peter!
Peju of the Desert

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Refugio visitors...

"What do you like about Tucson?" Lindsay asked.  My immediate response was: the Catalina Mountains, the uniqueness of the Saguaro cacti and the multitude of other Sonoran Desert fauna and inhabitants, the clear blue sky, the pure night sky and its many stars, the sunrises and the moon-rises behind the Catalinas, and of course the sunsets which last a half hour and spreads it's palette of colors across the sky.  Pastels, filmy as can be, or bright neon orange/red/purple against the cornflower blue sky.  They are just breathtaking! 
The variety of bird songs and calls is captivating as well.  This morning as I was re-installing my drip system for my patio plants I heard the most beautiful song up in the tree...There it was---my wanna-be-friend, the Northern male Cardinal.  They have 28 different songs, but this time he was singing to my Hapa songs.  I guess he likes Hawaiian music too! 

 This is such a pretty time of year here.  There are pops of little color all around, and trees wearing their flowerful canopy or bright yellow!  And of course the tall Ocotillos are vying for attention.  Here are a couple pictures taken down Rancho Vistoso Blvd on the way to Honey Bee Ridge where we live. 
 The Ocotillos, with their waving arms and orange-red toppers can get to be two stories tall.And then there are the huge hot pink flowers on these cacti on the median of the Blvd as well.  And Jon Skaug has some in his front yard going on their 2nd round of flowers.  Though they only last one day, they are show-stoppers! 

We have had a couple of Javelina herds and a trio of coyotes all in the same morning.  They came to put on a show for Mike and Kathy Miles who were here to visit us and the Spring Training baseball games.  Sure enough, while we were in the office in front of my window I noticed a trio of coyotes -- Wiley??  I think so.  And I think it was Wylette, and their teenager Willie. I have never seen more than two here, so that's my big excitement out here in the desert!  A half hour later there came a family of javelinas with their wee ones.  They were followed just a bit afterward by a small herd of javelinas.  They were all just passing through, not stopping to much on our prickly pear and other cacti and agaves.  Whew -- just providing entertainment (as Laurell says!) for me and our guests.  It's too bad they don't "perform" for all our other guests who so earnestly want to catch a glimpse of them.  Well, they'll just have to come back!! 


Thursday, January 1, 2015



I returned home from Valntinaville...Santa came, and Papa and I took V to the park for run-around time!

I flew from Oakland to San Diego to change planes to get to Tucson.  Well there is 1 separate terminal for SWA which has only 2 gates: 1 and 1A.  Of course that is where we pulled up.  Not a bad flight, but I had to go out and to the main Terminal for the bulk of SWA flights, and back through security.  The line for checking in was way to the central doors!  Oh wow!, but then I had Pre TSA Check so it went very quickly; also, they opened up more space for security checks---finally!  So on we go to Tucson, start to decsend, then go back up and around for a bit.  The pilot came on and said  "We have to land in Phoenix to get gas.  There is a lot of congestion at the airport, and we don't have enough gas to keep circling."  It was heavy clouds and rain and bumpy.  So add another hour.  I left on a 9:20am flight, and got home in the dark.  Just happy to be home!
At 10:30pm last night it began to snow... and for quite a while by the looks of it this morning.  So I have to share some of the pix with you.  Starting with last night out back, and one that Rodney took. 

A new day, a new Year, a new Desert!
   Out My Window...

     Our Street   Yes, our mailbox
                   My Labyrinth.................................

 St. Francis at the Labyrinth

Our REFUGIO signThe back of our house
 This is something sent to me by Diane, my Skin Care prof...   It helps if you sing it! 


Palm trees, wave, are you listening?
In the pool, water's glistening
A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight.
Living in a Tucson Wonderland.

Gone away is the blizzard.
Here to stay is the lizard.
A warm sunny day, we like it that way,
Living in a Tucson Wonderland.

In the desert we will have a picnic,
Cactus, sand, rattlesnakes and sun.
Christmas dinner is an old tradition,
It's pinto beans and tacos by the ton.

Later on,we'll perspire,
As the temperature rises higher.
A warm sunny day, we like it that way,
Living in a Tucson Wonderland.

In the desert we don't shovel snow, man,
There's no ice to make us slip and slide.
All the houses here are air conditioned.
So we can get cold when we are inside.

Later on, if we're wishing
We can golf or go fishing.
A warm sunny day, we like it that way,
Living in a Tucson Wonderland

So,  Enjoy our pix, and Blessings for a Joyful, Abundant, and Healthy 2015!!!!   Peju of the Desert

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Comings and Goings for Chritmas

Hello all,  I have not had a lot to write about until lately.  After our return from Thanksgiving at Valentina-ville, I ws sitting at the computer when a bunny came raacing up the driveway past me.  I thought Oh-Oh,  Wiley might be on the chase.  I have not seen him come through the labyrinth at all lately.  But alas, several minutes later here comes a really pretty bobcat simply strolling up the drive, taking the same path as the bunny.  It will be safe at the bobcat's pace!

The next week I look out, and there is the herd of Javalinas --looking for more of our cactus and shrubs to munch on.  I went out and did my "HYAAAH!" several times, hoping no neighbors were outside.  Good job, I thought, as they trotted off the end of the drive and around the corner,  several little babies running to catch up.  I've said this before...the babies are cute, but boy are the big ones uuugly!  I then went out after seeing 2 stragglers hiding under the tree.  I did get a pic of one of them before they finally sauntered off toward the big rocks.  It's not the best pic because I did not want to get too close, lest there be another one behind me.
And speaking of coyotes, I have only seen several small ones around Honeybee Ridge. Another one yesterday which ran across the boulevard in front of me at Honeybee Canyon Park, just next to our development (Honeybee Ridge).  And, FYI...there are Indin Petroglyphs about a mile into Honeybee Canyon, a nice hike!   But no Wiley!
Also yesterday, I had to come home from errands just for 5 minutes.  As I started up the driveway I had to stop --- there in front of me was a big buck deer with antlers and all ...maybe lost from Donner and Blitzen...??  They tend to come down from the mountains in the winter, looking for water.  He didn't know he couldn't jump the fence to our pool!  After staring at me for a minute he loped off around the back of the pool and onto the street.  But of course he did not stop long enough for me to get a really good pic.  I did get several ones for your viewing poleasure, however. 

I cannot move the second picture up, so excuse the empty space. 

 We are leaving for Valentina-ville soon. Here are  her newest seasonal pics by Blaire:

                                                             VALENTINA  ROSE 

And now I wish you all a very Mele Kalikimaka and a Hap, Hap, Happy New Year!
Blessings and Light to you,  Peju of the Desert

Thursday, September 11, 2014

A rare sighting, and the Great Flood of Tucson


A couple nights after we returned from Valentinaville and driving up our driveway after dinner out there was a big Gila Monster slowly moving across our drive.  It's a fairly rare thing to see here, and it was our first time seeing one in Tucson.  So pretty!  I was so excited and jumped out of the car to snap some pix.  I did get a good one...

The next morning on my routine check of the pool for unwanted critters I watched a tiny brown frog doing laps across the pool.  I just left it there since I didn't know whether it wanted to stay in the water or go out in the desert.  Although the next morning upon my inspection there it was...sitting on the pool thermometer, which for some magical reason was floating on the surface, (usually it is straight down in the water!).  It looked so cute I took a pic!

And then a friend of mine sent me this Bobcat pic taken from her backyard. It is such a great photo that I have to include it for your entertainment.  Thank you Leslie!
Now for the Great Flood of Tucson 9/8/2014!  We had not only the Monsoon seasonal rains, we had a hurricane hurling tons of water on us!  4 inches yesterday in several hours.  That is more than we get in an entire Monsoon season.  So I was on "Flood Watch" all morning.  I stood at the front doorway watching our driveway in front of our garage and front entrance filling up.  When it got close I had to do something, and went out in the rain to dig a trench.  However, there was no place for it to drain, and I also hit solid rock.  Then in the middle of my disaster  prevention effort thunder started, and it lasted for --seemed like 5 minutes!--.  Well, you know what that means... if you hear thunder you are to take cover...go inside!  That's a better idea to avoid a lightening strike, especially since I am in a bright red slicker; possibly a beacon to attract lightning!?!?  (last month lightening struck our pool filter and blasted it!)  Nothing to mess around with here on THUNDERSTORM PLACE!
     Sandbags at the ready. 
And look how pretty Refugio is ---out My Window now!!
This is all for now,
Peju of the Desert