Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Best Of ...

Happy New 2014 everyone!  Well, in terms of wildlife from my Window, there was a mom and baby bobcat at the front door that Ron saw one morning.  They left too soon to grab the camera.  So we leave that to your imagination.  Then I finally put the last pieces to my Heart Labyrinth, and the next day while I was on the phone in front of my computer and my Window here comes Wylie.  That big coyote walked up the side of the driveway, turned on the path to the Labyrinth, crossed over it and stopped on the edge of it to bend down and sniff.  What, I can not even guess!  And then along came Wylette who followed the same trail, crossed the labyrinth, and stopped to sniff at the same place.  She was as big as he was.  I have not seen them since however.  The only other wildlife we saw was a big Jackrabbit with the BIG ears while out on a walk around the neighborhood to check on the progress of new homes being built.  He just sat and posed a long time.  We took pictures, but the sun was right behind him, so he did not show up very well.  And then 2 days ago I was watching a Cardinal from my Window, and she flew right beneath my side window and was catching a drink from the irrigation tubing next to the tree.  Other than that it is our frequent bunny visitors and our usual fat quail scurrying around under the finch feeder while the finches and the woodpecker get the bulk of the seed.
                                                    This is the labyrinth I built, based on the small heart stone from                                                       the Sacred Garden on Maui. 

Also I thought it would be fun to publish my favs from 2013.  Starting off with the big snow of Feb.                                                                                
Entrance to our development.
Stubborn javelina eating our plants on front porch. !!
Wylie, is that you?  (next to driveway).
Our barrel cactus has a crown of flowers in August, and a crown of yellow fruit in winter!Backyard sunset August.
                                           This is our friend Rodney and his buddy riding in the desert.  an AWESOME video!!! You gotta see it!
And finally a sunset from last week from our spa.   It was spectacular!!
And yet more finally, 2 pix of our darlingest grand daughter, Valentina Rose... 5 mos. old,
                                 and...   9 mos. old.