Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Comings and Goings for Chritmas

Hello all,  I have not had a lot to write about until lately.  After our return from Thanksgiving at Valentina-ville, I ws sitting at the computer when a bunny came raacing up the driveway past me.  I thought Oh-Oh,  Wiley might be on the chase.  I have not seen him come through the labyrinth at all lately.  But alas, several minutes later here comes a really pretty bobcat simply strolling up the drive, taking the same path as the bunny.  It will be safe at the bobcat's pace!

The next week I look out, and there is the herd of Javalinas --looking for more of our cactus and shrubs to munch on.  I went out and did my "HYAAAH!" several times, hoping no neighbors were outside.  Good job, I thought, as they trotted off the end of the drive and around the corner,  several little babies running to catch up.  I've said this before...the babies are cute, but boy are the big ones uuugly!  I then went out after seeing 2 stragglers hiding under the tree.  I did get a pic of one of them before they finally sauntered off toward the big rocks.  It's not the best pic because I did not want to get too close, lest there be another one behind me.
And speaking of coyotes, I have only seen several small ones around Honeybee Ridge. Another one yesterday which ran across the boulevard in front of me at Honeybee Canyon Park, just next to our development (Honeybee Ridge).  And, FYI...there are Indin Petroglyphs about a mile into Honeybee Canyon, a nice hike!   But no Wiley!
Also yesterday, I had to come home from errands just for 5 minutes.  As I started up the driveway I had to stop --- there in front of me was a big buck deer with antlers and all ...maybe lost from Donner and Blitzen...??  They tend to come down from the mountains in the winter, looking for water.  He didn't know he couldn't jump the fence to our pool!  After staring at me for a minute he loped off around the back of the pool and onto the street.  But of course he did not stop long enough for me to get a really good pic.  I did get several ones for your viewing poleasure, however. 

I cannot move the second picture up, so excuse the empty space. 

 We are leaving for Valentina-ville soon. Here are  her newest seasonal pics by Blaire:

                                                             VALENTINA  ROSE 

And now I wish you all a very Mele Kalikimaka and a Hap, Hap, Happy New Year!
Blessings and Light to you,  Peju of the Desert