Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Wylie is back!

Well it's only been 3 months since I have written anything to you on here. The energy at Refugio is alive and well!   I finally have some pix to share, and was downloading them to my computer, about to say I have only seen Wylie on the road around the corner.  No sooner than I started did I see the tail end of him strolling past the bushes -- he went behind the labyrinth so I didn't see all of him.  He's grown!  I will show you some pix.  One time he walked ahead of me on Silver Cloud (around the corner) and up to our street where he turned and went up to the side of our house, just like he knew he was going to the Overholt's. 
"Turn at Thunderstorm"

On Silver Cloud 3 days ago

And then there is the dove nesting on top of the painter's ladder...
does that tell you how long he's taking to finish painting??

And everyone loves to see the Javelinas -- that is unles they are eating your landscape!
I put out a Quail/dove seed block for the birds, because I love the quail. 
And yep, you guessed it!  a dozen javelinas created their own banquet...much to the excitemenr of Lindsay and Arlene.


We also had a couple of deer visit the labyrinth...yes, they were an "item"! 
While the doe went to take a siesta under the mesquite tree the buck came under my window to dine on our shrubs.  He munched on each of the 4 right in front of the wiondows.  What he didn't know is that the tinting on the windows allowed me to see him but he couldn't see me.  I got these 2 pix from the bathtub (excuse the reflection).

Every now and then he would look up to make sure his sweetie under the tree was ok, then eat some more. 

Until Ron drove up the driveway home from work, then he tore out of there so fast!!

It's so special to glimpse our wildlife up so close. 
I would say thank goodness for the tinting allowing me to view them, but it has it's negative points also.  The doves think they can fly right through the house, seeing the reflection of the sky and trees.  Yesterday 2 slammed into my 2 big windows 1 second apart.  It almost sounded like a gunshot it was so loud. 1 flew off, and the other one.... well, he kamikaze'd himself , leaving a nasty imprint on the window.  I gave him a blessing, and Ron buried him. 

One more picture to show you from last week.

Full Moon Arising... over our Catalina Mountains

So there you have it,
until next time.
Love and Light, Peju of the Desert