Tuesday, July 23, 2013

TUCSON WILDLIFE BLOG – Snake Watch, Toads and Tarantulas…7/22/13

Since it is cooler in the morning many people choose to do their exercising very early in the day.  The News station reported several weeks ago that because it is cooler then, the snakes are also out taking advantage of that more suitable time of day to be out.  I have been looking for them but have not seen any!  In some ways I feel fortunate as they have a perfect resort in our front yard where they could hang out.  So Saturday morning on our way to the Farmer’s Market, Susan V. and I first noticed a small garter snake almost finished crossing the street.  Up the road a bit further there was a diamondback something or other on the side of the road, and not a baseball player!  After snapping a photo we decided it was, in fact, dead as a doornail. We just about got creamed by a pickup behind us who did not expect us to stop and ogle a (dead) snake…and this was in our development with 20 miles an hour speed limit.

He should know to watch for animals of all sorts!  I usually have to stop for the father quail to spur the young ones across the road, following the rest of the brood who sped across following the mom. 
The Monsoons also bring out the Desert Frogs, who venture out from their underground homes.  It is so strange to see frogs here.  Last week we had one in our pool, and so did Jon.  He took a great picture of it. This guy was 5-6inches big just in the body alone. 

These desert frogs are poisonous if dogs lick them, like Benni who was barking at it.  Who would’ve thought to look for frogs!

And then we have 3 tarantulas in the past 5 days…all outside.  Thank goodness! You saw the pic of one of them last blog.  One was on our front door threshold, one2 days later on our back door threshold, and the last one was in front of Jill and Rodney’s garage door.  They are very fond of entrances you know!  Their mating time is summer and fall, and then they go underground and spin silk to cover their subteraneum home’s doorway.

The other news is that Susan reported from The Boulders that her neighbor discovered a bobcat had kittens in their outdoor fireplace.


  1. Wow PJ, did the snake eat the frog??

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. P.J., Can you believe it's only been 12+ months since you left your very different backyard in Walnut Creek? Are we going to see any pictures of Tucson's spectacular lightening shows that you experience this time of year? Fritz

  4. I tried to capture our wonderful lightening last week, but alas...no luck! And we have wonderful thunder here on Thunderstorm Place too!

    As for the snake, we did not know what kind it is because we could not see it's tail; and I wasn't about to flip it over. Ha!

  5. I have to give our good friend Rodney Kugizaki credit for helping me (big time!!) to get my post actually posted and this blog up and running. I can't thank him enough.
