Sunday, August 18, 2013

More Bits on Bats, Amazing Sunset -- 8/18/13

More tidbits about bats... there are 20 species of bats in Arizona, but their habitats are becoming ruined.  Recreational cave mines delete their roosting places, and since there are not a lot of belfries for them, their numbers are decreasing.  We toured the cave pictured above, Kartchner Caverns southeast of Tucson in  the Benson area.  They have protected their "Big Room" because it is a roosting place for the bats.  Tours in that room are prohibited from April 15 to October 15, as it is the bat nursery.  It is a State Park, and they also have a campground for those interested. 
The Wild Bird Store's newsletter has a great picture of a bat feeding from a hummingbird feeder.  They can empty it in a night.  However, people are encouraged to allow them to feed as this helps to keep their population going. 
Other information you might want to know is that not all bats have rabies.  A few of them do, just like any other animal. They may be hanging low or on the ground; if you come into contact with them, don't touch them, they are probably sick.  You could call the Az. Game and Fish Dept. to get them. The healthy ones will just fly away.  Also note, even though when you are sitting outside when they are flying around, they may come closes to you because they're eating the bugs that are attracted to your body.  They will not run into you! There is a good book about bats in the Nat'l Parks Store if you want more info.
 Now, I must show you the beautiful sunset I took on Tuesday from our backyard...Totally Awesome!! See for yourself.
It's still overcast much of our days, and this plus the moisture in the air provides us some excellent thunder and lightning.  Friday night at Sly and Ira's we had the best sky show!  Their son Brett was filming and trying to get photos, so I hope to get some from him to  include.  It's a big WOW factor! 

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