Wednesday, December 4, 2013

WILEY Nov. 232, 2013

Tucson Wildlife Blog    Wiley    Nov. 23,2013

 You know it is Fall in Tucson when the Ocotillo leaves turn from green to light orange then yellow, and they lose their reddish-orange flower 'torches' at the tips of their stems.  This results in spiny brownish-gray tendrils that all come up from the center at the bottom, resembling seaweed” on our desert floor.  When they are in this state, I am never quite sure if they are still alive – until next spring when they sprout their new green tiny leaves.  They are fascinating though, and there is one area southwest of Tucson on the way to Kartchner Caverns that is mostly all ocotillo cacti covering the hillside. It's quite a cool sight when they are in bloom.
Ocotillo Blooming During a Dry Spring Season                                           

It has been so long since I wrote, but I have to report about a big coyote who frequented our yard. By “yard” I mean natural desert and planted cactus next to our driveway.  One day I was out laying stone bricks for the borders of my labyrinth when I heard dogs barking rather alarmingly nearby.  I guessed that meant there was something threatening them… could be a mountain lion, though unlikely (hopefully!), javelinas, a bobcat, or coyotes.  Observing that warning I went inside.  About 5-10 minutes later outside my “Window on the World” came a big coyote walking up the driveway in front of me and turned up and was checking out my labyrinth, stopping, scratching and smelling the heart-shaped stone I have in the center.  Wow, I wonder what he would have done if I were still out there!  I wonder what I would have done! 

I named him Wiley after he walked up the driveway several more times in the next week.  And one day my friend Sly and I were out on a walk in our neighborhood.  She is new to Tucson, moving here last summer.  We were just going around sort-of-a-block when I noticed the big coyote walking alongside a house maybe 10 yards away from us.  She had never seen one since moving here and was excited.  Then in front of us a rabbit was hightailing it across the street, and in hot pursuit was Wiley.  They got to the corner of another house, and he stopped…the bunny got away.  Thank goodness!  Several days after my sightings of ole Wiley, Ron was on his way to work and saw two ladies out walking with a big dog… and that big coyote was following them!  He turned around and tried to ward off Wiley, and they just kept walking.  I inquired via email who the ladies were with the dog and followed by the coyote.  It turned out that they were not disturbed by the coyote, and in fact they said it was the latest “love interest of Jack”, her dog.  So now, I guess I have to call “him” Willette! ??  And now, no sightings of Willette in the last month.  I kind of miss her!

The other news is that today The Tour de Tucson is supposed to happen.  It is the biggest bicycle event for Tucson…111 miles, with 9,000 riders here to ride.  They also have an 85-mile ride, a 60-mile, 45-mile, and 5 & 10 -mile rides starting at later times along parts of the same route that surrounds Tucson.  This is HUGE!  Last year I went out to the street that passes our development and watched part of the race.  One guy stopped for a snack he had and told me this is his 3rd ride of the Tour, and he travels here from Colorado for it.  He highly recommends riding, and said “It changed my life!” when he started riding.  Well, I do have a bike that Blaire won in a raffle about 10 years ago.  I am considering getting it tuned up.  I will have to start with going around the “block”, however.  The other part of the story is that we have had rain all day yesterday, all night, and it’s still raining.  This is the first time in 31years that it has rained on The Tour.  Rodney’s brother, Dennis, and wife Roberta came again to accompany him on the ride from Colorado Springs!  They are unfortunately not participating in it this year, as it is continuing to rain.  This means that many washes that cross the roads get flooded, and it is too dangerous to cross them, even in cars!  But… the good news is that we got to load up on carbs last night with them at Tavolino’s, just in case the rain stopped!  Homemade fennel-sausage, mmmm!  But I digress.  Maybe next year.

Next post soon.




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