Monday, July 7, 2014

It's WILD alright!!

Oh dear me!!  I didn't get to tell you that I almost stepped on a diamondback rattle snake a while back.  Ron and I were just going out for a walk, and at the foot of our driveway by our mailbox he put his arm out and stopped me. My next step would have been on the snake.  I was looking for Wylie up ahead since the last time I say him was up ahead a block.  Well, I tell everybody to look down, but was I doing that??  NO!!  I screamed bloody murder 3 times as loud as I could, and jumped up and down.  I don't know who was more scared --- me or the snake!! It rattled and slithered off the road , but toward our pool!  Now I always look for it!!
And now just after telling everyone about my latest blog, I have more news.  This is the Oh dear me! part. As I was sitting here today checking my email, first I see a Roadrunner go past my window with something in it's mouth.  It ate it, and later I saw the rest of what it had, a baby bird, most likely a quail or dove.  Then it kept looking at me through the window and finally walked away.

Then as I added other names to the Blog list a bobcat walked right past my window with a bunny in its mouth.  It walked around and under my other window with a screen on it, and stopped for dinner.


You know how you don't want to see something, but then you go and look anyway??  That's how this is.  I peeked around the desk to look out, and yes,  I don't want to see that! 
Then that roadrunner came back for the rest of the birdie.  Same thing.  I didn't want to look, but took a picture any way. It didn't come out very good.  Lucky for you!!  EEEUUU!!!
It's WILD alright!!!  OMG! 
So, if you just pulled this one up, take a look at the one posted just prior to this one.  It's much tamer.  I apologize if anyone gets sick from this blog. 
Signing off, and hope there's no more of this kind of dinner action under my Window on the World!
Peju of the Desert

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